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True Random Number Generators: The Cornerstone of High-quality Security

What makes a number random? Does it simply mean that it appears out of nowhere, without any link to what came before it? Technically, yes! In the world of mathematics and computer science, a random number is a number generated in such a way that its selection is beyond the realm of purposeful choice and depends solely upon chance. When it comes to securing data, randomness plays a pivotal role. It is the backbone of many cryptographic systems that are designed to shield data from prying eyes. But why is randomness so crucial? It's simple. Predictability is a hacker's best friend. If your encryption keys, password generation protocol, or any other security aspect is predictable, it's like offering a free pass to your data.

  • Nov 21, 2023
  • 7 min read

It is a long established fact that a reader

It is a long established fact that a reader

It is a long established fact that a reader

It is a long established fact that a reader
It is a long established fact that a reader

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

  • The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs
  • The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs
  • The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs
  • The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraph
  1. The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs
  2. The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs
  3. The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs
  4. The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs
  5. The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Now that we've brushed over what random numbers are and their role in data security, we are going to dive deeper.  We'll explore the concept of true random numbers, their role in high-quality security and their substantial contribution to cryptography, including its future with quantum computing.  

Understanding Random Numbers

Random numbers are numbers that occur in a sequence such that two conditions are met:

  • the values are uniformly distributed over a defined interval or set, and 
  • it is impossible to predict future values based on past or present ones. 

The Concept of True Randomness

True randomness is the state of absolute unpredictability.  It means that no matter how much information you have about the past or present, you cannot predict the future outcome.  In the world of random number generation, this is achieved through True Random Number Generators (TRNGs). 

The Role of True Random Numbers in High-quality Security

True random numbers (TRNs) play a vital role in creating high-quality security systems, enabling robust encryption mechanisms and secure data transmission.  Understanding the role of TRNs in security requires an understanding of their characteristics and how they contribute to strengthening security measures. 

  1. Key Generation: TRNs are used in the generation of encryption keys.  These keys are fundamental to cryptographic systems, providing the secret code that protects data from unauthorized access.  The randomness of the keys is crucial to their strength; if the keys are not truly random, a cyber attacker could potentially predict or guess them. 
  2. Unique Session Identifiers: In secure web sessions, secure sockets layer (SSL) and transport layer security (TLS) protocols use TRNs to create unique session identifiers.  These identifiers are used to secure the communication between the client and the server.  If these identifiers are predictable, it opens the door for potential security attacks such as session hijacking.
  3. Increase Unpredictability: TRNs increase the unpredictability of cryptographic systems, making it extremely difficult for attackers to make educated guesses or use brute force methods to breach the system.  If the numbers are not truly random, the predictability increases, making the system more vulnerable to attacks. 
  4. High-Level Security Protocols: High-level security protocols, such as those used by military and government agencies, often require TRNs for cryptographic operations.  The higher level of randomness provided by TRNs can offer greater security than pseudo-random number generators (PRNGs).
  5. Password and PIN Generation: Random numbers are commonly used in the generation of passwords, PINs, and other forms of secure access credentials.  The randomness of these codes increases their complexity and reduces the likelihood of them being guessed or cracked.
  6. One-Time Pad (OTP): TRNs are essential for the one-time pad (OTP), a type of encryption which has been proven to be impossible to crack if used correctly.  Each bit or character of the plaintext is encrypted by a modular addition with a bit or character of a secret random key (or pad) of the same length. 

Concept of Random Number Generators

Random number generators (RNGs) are devices or algorithms designed to produce sequences of numbers that appear random.  There are two main types of RNGs: True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) and Pseudorandom Number Generators (PRNGs). 

Types of Random Number Generators

As just mentioned, there are two types of RNGs.  TRNGs generate truly random numbers using a random physical process, such as radioactive decay.  On the other hand, PRNGs generate numbers using deterministic processes or algorithms, making them not truly random. 

Deep Dive into True Random Number Generators (TRNGs)

A True Random Number Generator (TRNG) is a device or algorithm that generates a sequence of numbers that are not only statistically random but also independent of one another.  In essence, each number generated by a TRNG is totally independent of the numbers before and after it.  TRNGs operate by capturing and digitizing random physical processes or phenomena such as atmospheric noise, radioactive decay, or thermal noise. 

Sources of Randomness in TRNGs

The primary sources of randomness in TRNGs are usually physical processes that are inherently random.  These can include quantum phenomena like radioactive decay, electrical noise in circuits, or atmospheric noise. 

The Role of Entropy in TRNGs

Entropy, in simple terms, is a measure of uncertainty or randomness.  In the context of TRNGs, the higher the entropy, the higher the quality of randomness.  Entropy is a crucial element in TRNGs as it ensures the unpredictability and security of the generated random numbers. 

Analyzing Pseudorandom Number Generators

Pseudorandom numbers are numbers that are generated using deterministic processes or algorithms.  While they may appear random for certain applications, they aren't truly random because they are generated using a set algorithm and can be reproduced if the initial state of the generator is known. 

Shortcoming of Pseudorandom Numbers in High-quality Security

The main shortcoming of pseudorandom numbers in high-quality security is their predictability.  Since they are generated using deterministic processes, if an attacker can determine the initial state of the generator, they can then predict the entire sequence of numbers that the generator will produce.  This predictability is a major security risk in cryptographic applications. 

Examples of PRNGs and their Limitations

One common example of a PRNG is the Linear Congruential Generator (LCG), which generates numbers using a linear equation.  While LCGs are simple and fast, their numbers have a relatively short period and may exhibit patterns over time.  Another example is the Mersenne Twister, which can produce numbers with a much longer period but is still deterministic, meaning its output can be predicted with enough knowledge of its state. 

Comparing TRNGs and PRNGs

TRNGs and PRNGs are both used in computing to generate random numbers, but they work in different ways and have different characteristics. 

Difference in Generation Technique

TRNGs generate numbers by capturing and digitizing inherently random physical processes or phenomena, which makes their output truly random.  On the other hand, PRNGs generate numbers using deterministic algorithms, making their output predictable given enough knowledge of the algorithm and initial conditions. 

Level of Security Provided

When it comes to security, especially in cryptographic applications, TRNGs are considered superior.  The unpredictability of the numbers they generate makes it incredibly difficult for attackers to guess or calculate keys generated from these numbers.  PRNGs, however, are prone to prediction if the initial state of the generator is known, which is a significant security risk. 

Speed and Efficiency of Generation

From an efficiency perspective, PRNGs generally have the upper hand.  They can generate numbers faster and with more consistency.  However, for applications where high security is paramount, the increased speed and efficiency may not compensate for the lower security level provided by PRNGs. 

The Quantum Impact on TRNGs

Quantum randomness refers to the inherent uncertainty in the state of a quantum system due to the principles of quantum mechanics.  This randomness is fundamentally different and considered more “random” than classical randomness because it's not due to limitations in our ability to measure, but rather inherent in nature itself. 

Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs)

Building on the principle of quantum randomness, Quantum Random Number Generators (QRNGs) use quantum phenomena to generate true random numbers.  These can include the measurement of quantum superposition states or quantum entanglement, offering an extremely high degree of unpredictability. 

Benefits of QRNGs over Traditional TRNGs

The primary advantage of QRNGs over traditional TRNGs is their superior unpredictability and speed.  Quantum phenomena occur at a much faster rate than most physical phenomena tapped for TRNGs, allowing for faster generation of high-quality random numbers.  Additionally, the inherent indefiniteness of quantum states adds a further layer of unpredictability, yielding a more secure random number generation. 

TRNGs and Post-Quantum Cryptography

With the advent of quantum computers, the security of many existing cryptographic systems is threatened.  However, TRNGs still hold a significant spot in the picture.  High-quality TRNGs, and especially QRNGs, are expected to play a critical role in developing quantum-resistant cryptographic systems. 

Quantum Attacks on Current TRNG Systems

While traditional TRNGs provide robust protection against classical attacks, they may not be completely secure against quantum attacks.  An attacker with a quantum computer could potentially predict a TRNG's output if the physical process used for randomness generation has inherent vulnerabilities that can be exploited quantum-mechanically. 

Quantum eMotion: Paving the Way for Quantum-level Security with QRNG2 and Quantum Entropy 

The importance of true random number generators in the realm of high-quality security cannot be understated.  The advent of quantum computing not only presents significant challenges to existing cryptographic systems but also reveals the potential for unprecedented security measures through quantum randomness.  

As a leading figure in quantum-based solutions, Quantum eMotion is revolutionizing the landscape of security with its advanced Quantum Random Number Generator 2 (QRNG2) and quantum entropy.  With the ability to harness the inherent randomness of quantum phenomena, QRNG2 offers an unparalleled level of unpredictability in random number generation.  This makes our QRNG2 a groundbreaking tool for fortifying security measures in various sectors. 

In healthcare, QRNG2 can potentially revolutionize the encryption of patient records, ensuring that sensitive medical data remains inaccessible to unauthorized individuals.  This results in a significant boost to the overall integrity of health information systems. 

In the realm of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, QRNG2 and quantum entropy can mitigate the risks of cryptographic attacks.  By delivering true randomness, they increase the complexity of blockchain encryption, making it nearly impossible for cybercriminals to predict or decipher the codes.  

In the field of communications, the implementation of QRNG2 can ensure the confidentiality and security of data transmission.  By providing superior encryption, it can protect sensitive information from being intercepted or decoded during transit. 

Quantum eMotion's commitment to advancing quantum technologies positions the company at the forefront of the cybersecurity frontier.  As we continue to venture deeper into the quantum realm, our QRNG2 and quantum entropy are poised to become cornerstone technologies in delivering high-quality security across diverse sectors.  With Quantum eMotion, the future of secure data is not just promising; it’s quantum.

Become Quantum-Secured Today

Get in touch with us to strengthen your online platforms, protect your sensitive data, and adopt quantum security to combat emerging threats. Stay at the forefront of the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape

  • Secure Current cybersecurity with QRNG
  • Mitigate future quantum risk
  • Always safeguard sensitive data